Time has flown by since I went to Townsville to teach this year. I wanted to show you some of the work that was produced from the other workshops. Those of you that know me, you will know that I frequently visited the other classrooms and made a pest of myself with the other tutors.
But first this is a picture from the day I spent with Glenys Mann who is the instigator of many of these fibre events around Australia, Pamela Croft and Joss. We had a fantastic day over at Magnetic island and after the loss of a very dear friend of mine it was nice to spend some time with some lovely women and laugh.

I get the sense that Cherilyn class were worked off their little feet and Cherilyn stood over them with a whip. The amount of work they produced and techniques covered was enormous. Cherilyn is not really that scary either, she is a beautiful lady, who always asked after me while I had the flu at Townsville. I look forward to spending more time with Cherilyn in the future.
But first this is a picture from the day I spent with Glenys Mann who is the instigator of many of these fibre events around Australia, Pamela Croft and Joss. We had a fantastic day over at Magnetic island and after the loss of a very dear friend of mine it was nice to spend some time with some lovely women and laugh.
John Garrett is a fibre artist and most definitely a sculptor of textiles. John's work is mind blowing and John himself was allot of fun to spend time with during the week. I think he may have got a little tired of me living in his classroom though. Next time John is in Australia teaching I am definitely going along. Not only is John's work amazing, the works produced by the students were fantastic. Here is a little glimpse. I could only remember a few names so if I am showing your work please let me know and I will add your name in.

These two baskets are by Warren Virgen
The talented Warren is going to be my studio tradee for Ballarat 2012. So watch out everyone we will be having a great time. Can you come to New Norcia as well Warren?
This gorgeous creation is by Barbara Neuohoffer.
Barbara and her husband Bob were so nice and helpful to me in Townsville. They chauffeured and tour guided me around EVERYWHERE. Barbara is a great artist herself and has been making these drawings a day of an apple for a year. They will be exhibited next year in Townsville. Her eye for detail and design was beautiful. I look forward to purchasing one when they go on sale.
Dr. Pamela Croft
Textured - A visual narrative
Mmmm, where to start with Pamela Croft. She is amazing. A beautiful warm person, wise and a wicked sense of humour. Her students again produced some fantastic pieces which if I was not in Western Australia with our incredibly strict quarantine, I would have loved to have bought one of the boats that Pam and her students made during the week.(Carol- found any more seed pods yet and remember I know where your sister lives.)