Hi All,
I have had the pleasure of being away for two weeks teaching my Requilaries and Shrine workshop in Ballarat and New Norcia. This is the first time I have taught this workshop and the participants were amazing. I was lucky enough to have a really talented helper in Ballarat as well. Thanks again Warren without you I am not sure how we would have got so much done.
I mislaid my camera at New Norica so don't have any photos of the finished products but I am working on tracking some down to share with you.
I will teaching this workshop again next year in Ballarat in April. Go to
Fibre Arts Australia for more info. Even if you do not take my class have a look at what else is on offer as these week long retreat are fantastic.
Everyone worked so hard during the week, but it was so worth it, the shrines are amazing.
The amazing Cas Duff |
The uber talented Greg Stewart |
Wendy Ness, What can I say there is always one. |
A bundle of fun and talent Jan |
Robyn who thinks outside the square
The super talented Warren Virgen, without your help this would not have happened. |
And last but not least, the brave (or native') Leanne
Thank you all for such a fantastic week.