Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ceramic stories- Kathy Ruttenberg

Grounded        32”x56.5”x26”      ceramic-2009
I have been so caught up with getting every thing ready for Melbourne I have not had much time to look for  new works to share with you, however I came across Kathy Ruttneberg's work this week and could not wait to share it with you.

Kathy works in ceramics, watercolours and etching, but my love of sculpture has won out here and I am extremely taken with her ceramic pieces.  I am amazed at how much imagery can be put into one piece and how rich each one is.  I would love to sit and listen to Kathy as she told the stories contained within each piece. 

Role Reversal     26”x23”x18”       ceramic-2010

Tree Hugger   92”x35”x40”  ceramic, bronze, wood-2010

Be sure to also check Kathy's work displayed in Macys window.  It helps us to see the scale of these wonderful pieces.